Is This How You See Me?: A Locas Story By Jaime Hernández
Come see about me by the supremes
Long form masterpiece together for the first time Is This How You See Me A Locas StoryThere s a punk reunion in Hoppers and Maggie and Hopey head back to their old stomping groundsI ve been chewing through the Love and Rockets books like a ten foot party sub the last few months so I naturally picked this up when Fantagraphics was having their Fantabucks sale. Spiderverse comics you wanna see me review The story is told in two threads one featuring teenage Maggie and Hopey around Del Chimney s house and the other featuring the Locas battling middle age and reuniting with their friends Has the theme of Love and Rockets been getting older and growing as a person all alongr has it just been that way in the most recent books Anyway.
Billie eilish you should see me in a crown
Only to find the couple also hates lesbians and is threatening and cruel Truly harrowing and very well done by Hern ndez It s still not safe to be queer in a lot of partsf the U. You should see me in a crown book A and this incredibly scary feeling that someone could kill you or rough you up really badly and no one would come to your aid or even care is exquisitely rendered by Hern ndez I felt truly frightened forur protagonists. Now you see me now you don't TL DR More of an old school depiction of lesbians and queer life based out of being born in the sixties This is comfortable for me in the realmf queer fiction Hern ndez s stark black lines and everyday looking people are very realistic.
Left right let me see you do it
Jaime has added to his Locas world and the results were thoroughly enjoyable I can imagine a punk reunion in Southern California unfolding in such an emotional unpredictable and electric manner As with all Love and Rockets stories this book is wholeheartedly character driven The art is outstanding The writing is fantastic Top notch Jaime Hern ndez Jaime Hernandez is able to consistently synthesize relationships down to the basics and help put you right in the shoes of these complex characters Admittedly I have limited background in the world having only read a few other Love and Rockets volumes but this was no impediment to enjoying this one I can only imagine that the you re familiar with these characters the you ll connect with this volume Jaime Hern ndez No puedo evitarlo Soy de Hoppers y me gustar a que este reencuentro no acabara nunca Y Zero no me acuerdo de ti En absoluto Seguro que ven as por Hoppers Jaime Hern ndez 1 5starsanother one that i went to class and ended up hating this lol a man writing about bisexual women no thanks I had no idea the author was a man and now this entire book I just I look at it completely differently Jaime Hern ndez Se puede llegar a estas alturas de la serie y no darle cinco estrellas a la nueva entrega de Jaime sobre la vida de Maggie y Hopey Es m s se hace necesario ponerle estrellitas cuando el nivel de excelencia se da por supuesto y el p blico ya lo formamos exclusivamente fans totales los que podemos entender esta historia desde la mayor a de niveles que contiene Porque hay un plus en el que no puedo dejar de pensar y sin el cual no s si se puede llegar a apreciar en toda su magnitud Es as como me ves Esos 25 a os envejeciendo con los personajes bueno f sicamente yo mucho peor pero es que a mi no me dibuja Jaime haber seguido de manera discontinua sus cambios vitales y ser capaz de apreciar sus historias personales en la madurez mientras florecen en la p gina y en mi recuerdo fogonazos de otros tiempos generalmente m s locos redondeados a su vez por unos flashbacks de su adolescencia encantadores que contextualizan tanto lo que dibuja como lo que estimula en tu memoria. See me personalized books Supongo que alg n d a La c pula intentar aqu una edici n definitiva y alguien podr hacer una lectura racional de estos tebeos que ya no s decir ni d nde empiezan ni d nde contin an S lo por d nde van aqu XD Mientras para los que estamos dentro suelen ser las mejores historietas que podemos encontrar el a que se publican Jaime Hern ndez Jaime and his brother site_link Gilbert Hern ndez often write together under the name Los Bros Hern ndez Jaime and his brother site_link Gilbert Hern ndez often write together under the name Los Bros Hern ndez site_link Maggie and Hopey leave their significant others at home and take a weekend road trip to go to a punk scene reunion in their old neighborhood Threaded throughout are flashbacks to 1979 during the formative stages in their lifelong relationship as the perceived invincibility of youth is juxtaposed against all of the love heartbreak and self awareness that comes with lives actually lived Serialized over the past four years in Love and New Stories and the new comic book series Is This How You See Me collects Hernandez s unsentimental it s good to finally know how things were at Del Chimney s house back in the day and how some of the early characters turned out Rand Race should make an appearance before the series finally wraps. Come ready and see me pdf I m really running out of ways to heap praise on these books but they re great both in story and art with some of the richest characters in comics Jaime doesn t throw any softballs either It would have been easy for him to put Maggie and Hopey together volumes ago but the stories wouldn t have been as good as what we have now with Maggie meandering through life and Hopey becoming responsible with a wife and kid. You see mence in june twice in november Is This How You See Me isn t my favorite Love and Rockets book but it s still damn good Four out of five stars Jaime Hern ndez I wasn t sure that I needed to pick this up today The Love Bunglers wasn t that long ago how do you follow that Five minutes into this I had a big smile on my face O ye of little faith Jaime Hern ndez Poor Zero Trapped in a band full o dykes pg 45This is my stylef fiction featuring lesbians It s no The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For but it does have those vibes Although it is written by a man. See me nicholas sparks pdf It s about a woman named Maggie going to a punk reunion in Huerta with her ex girlfriend Hopey They are hoping for a jolt of energy from revisiting their youth But it doesn t exactly workut that way. Nicholas sparks see me kindle Ray Maggie s man gets a tiny volt of jealousy when right before leaving on the trip Maggie casually brings up Hopey as she and Ray are going to fuck Apparently both Ray and Hopey enjoy having sex with Maggie with her panties still on Ray s right to be worried While at the motel Maggie struts out of the bathroom in nothing but her panties and makes it clear she d enjoy Hopey fucking her Hopey turns her down Hopey s married and has a kid andn some level Maggie knows what she s doing is wrong. You should see me in a crown book They have a punk show to see and many queer and straight friends to catch up with The modern day section is intercut with flashbacks from 1979 when Maggie was 14 and hanging out with Hopey and the whole gang. See me nicholas sparks pdf There s a truly terrifying sequence at the end in which Hopey and Maggie are walking home and being followed by this huge guy who hates dykes The women run to a couple they see on the street for help yet it s easy to keep track of who everyone is and what they re doing a difficult thing in a graphic novel with a large cast My only complaint is that sometimes Hern ndez would flip to the past with no warning which was jarring He warned you the first couple times then he just stopped and the reader is supposed to figure it out I prefer the warnings Makes things less confusing. If you see me don't say hi pdf free NAMES IN THIS BOOKDoyle mMike mDaffy Daphne fPenny fIzzy fHopey f Espy Esperanza Sadaf fMag fRay mJulie fTerry Eugene mHenry mRodrigo mCanicas catRichy the Second catDel mNick mIsabel fLicha fPeter mLetty fNeslo mSal mKiko fItsuki fJoey mJanet fJessica fTony mSpeedy mFenix mZero mMonica fMarco mPaul mTimothy mHilary fMeredith fMani mSonny mCalvin mLinda fTex mCarlos m Jaime Hern ndez If you have to ask me to explain it you aren t punk enough Well I m not punk enough not at all an old folkie but this latest edition of the now forty years of storytelling of one LA punk scene with a focus clearly on women features an amazing story of Maggie and Hopey Esperanza who leave their significant others for a weekend to go to a punk reunion in their old Hoppers neighborhood At first it is all wrong for them they are too old you can t go home again then sure enough most of the old gang comes around and the fun and sweet and crazy all come back Sure it s some stories of the old days it s a reunion but those of us who know the history we want to hear those good old days stories too. Johnny hartman i see your face before me Could you just pick up this one volume and appreciate what is going on here If you have no experience with punk or didn t live in LA in the eighties can you relate Yes you could surely because the undying themes here are the themes of any community of friends over time and these are good friends and the talk is great Drawn by one of the masters one of the best ever with heart and smart I read it in one sitting collecting the last four years of Jaime s comics in this world with a couple of flashbacks to help you remember that the things change the they stay the same for these two But it is also a tale of a group of people aging a realistic portrait of changes as well Getting older doesn t mean you can t have fun Jaime Hern ndez If you have to ask me to explain it you aren t punk enough Well I m not punk enough not at all an old folkie but this latest edition of the now forty years of storytelling of one LA punk scene with a focus clearly on women features an amazing story of Maggie and Hopey Esperanza who leave their significant others for a weekend to go to a punk reunion in their old Hoppers neighborhood At first it is all wrong for them they are too old you can t go home again then sure enough most of the old gang comes around and the fun and sweet and crazy all come back Sure it s some stories of the old days it s a reunion but those of us who know the history we want to hear those stories too. You should see me in a crown book Could you just pick up this one volume and appreciate what is going on here If you have no experience with punk or didn t live in LA in the eighties can you relate Yes you could surely because the undying themes here are the themes of any community of friends over time and these are good friends and the talk is great Drawn by one of the masters one of the best ever with heart and smart I read it in one sitting collecting the last four years of Jaime s comics in this world with a couple of flashbacks to help you remember that the things change the they stay the same for these two But it is also a tale of a group of people aging a realistic portrait of changes as well Gettinglder doesn t mean you can t have fun Jaime Hern ndez.
, Can you see me libby scott pdf What else can I say Getting old sucks I felt for Hopey and her swollen knee Also for Maggie and her ripped pants although not as strongly. Honey see you looking at me So the next morning things are awkward between them but there s really too much history between these women for bad feelings to last long. If you see me don't say hi pdf Not a five star but definitely worth picking up if you have an interest.S