Triumphant Love: The contextual, creative and strategic missionary work of Amy Beatrice Carmichael in south India By J. (Hans) Kommers
Book Triumphant lovenox
This scientific historical biography explores the influences that shaped the spirituality of Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur J Hans Kommers investigates the historical background of Amy s childhood in Millisle and Belfast and provides new and scholarly information than existing biographies He researched a variety of Keswick related literature in order to provide a fuller picture of Amy s connection with the Keswick Convention and their teaching The descriptions of the life of the millworkers in Belfast the happenings on the worldwide stage and Victorian missionary work and methods round out the picture to give the reader a greater understanding of Amy Carmichael These new facts are most enlightening Dr Jackuelin Woolcock MB BChir MRCP Lond Director Dohnavur Fellowship Corporation Shoreham by Sea UK and Doctor in Dohnavur India 1969 1987 Triumphant The Contextual Creative and Strategic Missionary Work of Amy Beatrice Carmichael in South India provides the msot extensive biography thus far of Amy Carmichael 1867 1951 a major figure on the missionary landscape of the late 19th and the first half of the 20th century She is seen by some as the Protestant mother Teresa both women worked in India and devoted all of their time and energy tohe poor. Triumphant lovebethpage The book is very well researched The author states that the purpose of the extensive research he undertook was to get a closer and clearer picture of Amy Carmichael as the founder off the Dohnavur Fellowship Also he wanted to give a balanced account of her dealings with people and especially her life with God He does this It provides the most comprehensive picture of this remarkable woman It is the definitive source of reference. Triumphant lovejoy isd J Hans Kommers s view of the life of Amy Carmichael is that of a fellow evangelical He explains that not only Amy but many missionaries of her time were inspired by the ideal that all people should have the opportunity to hear of Christ s salvation According to him her inspirational work is still relevant today Prof Dr Gijsbert van den Brink URC Professor for Theology and Science Faculty of Theology Free University Amsterdamhe Netherlands Triumphant Love The contextual creative and strategic missionary work of Amy Beatrice Carmichael in south India.