It Ain't Over... (Cole \u0026 Srexx, #1) By Robert M. Kerns
i5 stars 0999201255 Honestly this read as straight up male power fantasy where no obstacle posed much of a challenge ever 0999201255 A good read Cole has been living under the radar for years doing dodgy jobs to get enough money to disappear completely Finding an alien spacecraft inside an asteroid changes his life and the dynamics of the known universe A recommended read 0999201255 This is an outstanding fun engaging and all the other superlatives that you can think of novel There is a mean nasty lying person who has taken over the government hmmm Our reluctant hero is drawn into the fray because he can t deny the part of himself that has to help people in need The fun part comes from the special ship that partners with him and all of the money that he has to apply to his efforts There are elements The Count of Monte Cristo and Iron Man and the main character Highly recommended 0999201255 Great space operaSpace opera is my favorite kind of science fiction and this book seems to be the beginning of a great one There is humor I found myself laughing out loud in the first few pages something I rarely do The humor continues in an appropriate way throughout There is action that is pretty much steady through the whole story When a problem arises Cole doesn t spend a lot of time dithering he just puts a plan together and heads out to git er done There is also a lot of detailed world building though in this case the world is the ship again my favorite thing the details the better I don t say thiss a perfect book though as there are a few niggling details that I would change I. It ain't over gospel song the ship computer addresses the main character as Cole Captain and this is cringed laughed at repeatedly However in spite of having days of transit time on multiple occasions and the fix being a simple 60 second programming conversation nothing is done aboutt. It ain't over till the fat lady sings origin Overall my recommendation is to read this book It s great fun 0999201255 Buy a planet and disappear That s all Cole wanted He spent thirteen years hiding on the fringes of society piloting freighters for criminals and building a stash to do just that But life happens when you re busy making plans When Cole chooses to save an ejected castaway and stumbles into a crew of his own he starts down a path that will force him to choose Will Cole protect those who have become his people Or will he slip away quietly in the night It Ain t Over Cole u0026 Srexx 1 I expected a lot from this series 0999201255 In the scale of popcorn this hits almost exactly like the microwave kind And my friend if that s the only kind you eat go buy some fresh kettle corn You ll thank me later The I think about it the the analogy fits though competently written in the sense of stringing words together for flow it feels designed over inspired the generic crunch of popcorn sealed inside a paper bag and wrappedn cellophane with salt and a heavy handed balance of chemicals to act as flavor Cole floated amidst the remains of the starboard airlock watching the Aurelian destroyer pound the freighter into scrap Without shields and under the strain of running at 125% for almost thirty minutes the reactor soon triggered the engineering systems emergency ejection protocol Cole was still close enough to watch a hull plate detach from the underside of the freighter just moments before a glowing red reactor assembly launched into space like an outsized torpedo As the reactor exploded in an orgy of thermonuclear destruction Cole hoped the cluster of debris around him would hide him from the destroyer s sensors See Competent but all the wrong details Mechanics Check Multi syllable words Check How the main character feels about watching his ship being blown up as he floatsn a spacesuit Not so clear. It ain't over cast It s not to say that I didn t like it exactly I have a lot going on in my life right now and I can t stress just little I will tolerate demanding reading In that it was highly successful As the author was new to me and the review I had read was sparing of details I wasn t sure where the story would land so that kept me guessing I mean I never expected zombies in The Expanse so I have to keep my mind open here But Kerns chooses description over interaction and it s almost impossible to build up narrative tension the way he is telling it I m reminded of Star Trek where everyone around Captain Kirk panics Great Scot Cap n she s gonna blow and he calmly issues an order that saves the day It s the same dynamic here with a protagonist that is the most Gary Stu of Garys that I ve seen since Captain Willard Phule of Phule s Company I don t want to spoil your fun so skip this paragraph if you are planning to read the book The story essentially consists of 1 him finding an AI spaceship from an advanced civilization with tech no one in the galaxy has access to 2 everyone respects loves admires him and 3 he has access to a bazillion dollars Any obstacles are easily dealt with through one of the above means However as mentioned earlier this mostly worked for me as there is too much tension elsewhere in my life the Sesame Street version was fine Fine that is until I realized what was going on about half way or so and got a little bit bored Ah nervous systems finicky things aren t they What would have helped it stand out is character development dialogue or world building The characters are given quick sketches for the scenes that pertain to them particularly those of other races and then ushered into the background Lt Uhura anyone A cat like species the Ghrexel are introduced and used as a racial foil to show how great our protagonist is Likewise a species introduced later the canine like Igthons What tends to happen is that Kerns introduces a new person in a section chapter and then moves on and doesn t really integrate that person into the story later. It ain't over showtimes near me tomorrow The exceptions to this were the AI Srexxilan and a telepathic insect like race With a couple of the early chapters being the interaction between Cole and the AI Srexxilan I was looking forward to an exploration of the issues presented by an exiled AI would the AI turn evil Be immensely manipulative Much to my dismay spoiler again the philosophical implications of each are given a nod but glossed over rather than being an ongoing discussion Rationalism wins the day In fact despite Srexx being over 30 thousand years old and from a technologically advanced civilization that anyone is ever seen the AI is routinely hamstrung until Cole gives him a order achieved with his amazing but human insight Cole the analysis I mentioned would take less than Srexx Look I appreciate your thoughts and feedback but we re past that now Overwirte the modified code with the version from that protected archive and reboot the power distribution s control system As you wish Cole I suspect Kern of almost being playful there. It ain't over for me hustle and flow All this is to say that for many reasons a lot of my reading friends would probably dislike it On the scale of Star Treks I d place it solidly in the William Shatner era first year But as I might have mentioned it mostly worked for me mainly because manly dalliances were largely chaste Will I continue Unlikely 0999201255 I was having trouble getting into this series until I realized that it is basically a power fantasy what happens when you have an unstoppable ship an AI that can hack anything and functionally unlimited wealth so any traditional challenge is simplistic Is it particular deep and exploratory Nope But it was never meant to be 0999201255 I am so sorry to Mr Kerns for mistaking his book as plagiarized So It was when I received a message asking which writer he plagiarized I went in and read my review Seeing as it was so harsh which is not me I looked into it Downloaded the book and am reading it again Yep I ve read this book before Now I had to find the writer looking back into my history with Goodreads and OverDrive I found that I had read his book That s whyt was so similar What a bone head I am. It ain't over documentary So What do I think I think it s a great book and will finish it and go to the next in the series Thank you guys 0999201255 This is sort of a hard review to write because on paper if you collect up all the tropes and magic handwaving and ridiculously good luck that Cole and his gang have on this merry little space romp it should be the cheesiest thing ever It should be terrible I should have groaned and hated it AND YETI kind loved it It s some weird mix of understated charm and competence porn that jsut worked perfectly Even his jokes were pretty ham fisted he set them up and then failed to knock them down as he tells you how the crew all laughed Its rediculous And yet i read boos 1 and 2 back to back without barely taking a breath between chapters. It ain't over sermon It s just really enjoyable I LOVE Shrex And i laugh every time becase one of my hobbies is breeding cherry shrimp for teh aquarium hobby and shrimp sex is universally called shrex so i giggle every damn time I am taking a quick break to listen to Bookshops and Bonedust SQUEEE and then ll finish the other 2 Cole Shrex books 0999201255 Robert M Kerns or Rob if you ever meet him in person is a geek and he claims that label proudly Most of his geekiness revolves around Information Technology IT having over fifteen years in the industry within IT he especially prefers Servers and Networks and he often makes the claim that his residence has a better data infrastructure than some businesses. It ain't over black keys Beyond IT Rob enjoys Science Fiction and Fantasy of almost all stripes Hes a voracious reader with his favorite books too numerous to list. It ain't over poster Rob has been writing for over twenty years and Awakening is his debut novel[1]