And the role of indicative evidence in criminal courts SygeplejerskenThis book was definitely not what I was expecting it was so much After working in the health care industry for half of my life I really wanted to read this book A compelling and disturbing read which I found impossible to put down I found it very hard to understand that I was reading true crime and not fiction The nurse in question was was a Danish nurse Christina Aistrip Hansen who killed her vulnerable patients but who is still protesting her innocence I was speechless We learnt a lot of lessons after Dr Shipman and laws were changed so it could never happen again The outcome and aftermath with the Danish government and the leaders of Danish healthcare left me dumbfounded At the moment we have an English nurse on trial for killing babies This should never happen rules and laws around nurses andealth care professionals who administer medication has to change. EBook sygeplejersken fra Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in return for giving an honest review Sygeplejersken Kristian Corfixen has done an incredible job writing The Nurse This is a gripping and suspenseful account of a nurse in Denmark who is suspected of deliberately killing patients Corfixen does an excellent job of creating a sense of tension and drama.
The award winning true crime account of a Danish nurse accused of killing her patients and an examination of the controversial evidence used against her In the early hours of March 1 2015 Danish police received an alarming call from a nurse at a provincial hospital She suspected her colleague fellow nurse Christina Aistrup Hansen of deliberately killing patients and she feared it had just happened again Soon other coworkers revealed their own concerns about Hansen Indeed some had been harboring suspicions about her for years So why had no one come forward sooner And with the alleged victims already cremated where was the evidence Could this all be a case of small town gossip snowballing out of control Drawing on police and autopsy reports medical records private correspondence and testimony from key witnesses as well as Hansen herself Danish journalist Kristian Corfixen reconstructs the fateful night shift in which three patients died under mysterious circumstances and the sensational trial it set in motion Originally published in Denmark Corfixen s acclaimed investigation of a disturbingly complex case raises critical concerns about the trust we put in our caretakers making the reader feel like they are right there alongside the investigators as they try to solve the mystery. Kindle sygeplejersken fagblad The Nurse is an excellent read for anyone interested in crime thrillers or in learning about how investigations work Corfixen provides a detailed and fascinating look at the evidence gathering process and he makes it clear that no detail is too small when trying to solve a crime The Nurse is an addictive and suspenseful book that will keep youooked until the very end. Sygeplejersken tidsskrift Read this if you like The Good Nurse The Act Darling Rose GoldThank you to Netgalley and Saga Egmont for the e advanced reading copy in exchange for my honest opinion Sygeplejersken Medical Ward M130 treats theospital s most seriously ill patients On that ward Cristina Aistrup Hansen is the lead nurse Cristina gained a reputation as a take charge person and was often portrayed as the Nurse Nightingale of that floor However statistics would prove othewise. Sygeplejersken netflix In 2010 Cristina would complete her first year working in Ward M130 That year 87 patients were declared dead An unusually high number In 2011 a startling 95 patients were declared dead As the death toll climbed Cristina s colleagues became increasingly wary of the sinister statistics which lead to Cristina being accused of poisoning her patients in 2012. Sygeplejersken netflix Though only three deaths and an attempted murder were linked to Cristina speculation was that there were dozens But there wasn t enough evidence to link the dozens of deaths to Cristina Even the four that were linked were circumstantial But with the evidence onand Cristina was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison for the murder of three people and the attempted murder on one person. Sygeplejersken netflix The Nurse is a mild true crime novel as it doesn t contain a lot of gory details There s a lot of facts and figures that can get overwhelming but I found it interesting Some of the terminology can be a speed bump in the reading flow but there are footnotes and references to help along the way. Sygeplejersken christina I enjoyed the bulk of the novel and found Corfixen s details highly interesting Added to her details is the fact that Corfixen manages to include the updates on Cristina s appeal and parole status What didn t appeal to me is the tangential narrative about Health Care Serial Killers It didn t add much and I just found it a distraction to the true crime story atand. Sygeplejerskefaglig Overall The Nurse is an engaging read if you enjoy the true crime genre It would be interesting to learn what other true crime novels Corfixen has in store for us Four stars. Sygeplejersken kindle cloud I received a digital copy of the book from Podium Publishing through NetGalley The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions Sygeplejersken Sagen fra Nyk bing Falster er tragisk p flere m der Men Sygeplejersken er et uds gt eksempel p hvordan en spektakul r sag kan beskrives uden at det ender som sensationsjournalistik Hele vejen igennem er bogen holdt i en sober og dokumentarisk tone der p intet tidspunkt pr ver at overbevise l serne om forfatterens eget standpunkt. Sygeplejersken epub file Sproget er flydende og meget velformuleret De fagspecifikke termer forklares godt s alle kan f lge med uden forudg ende medicinsk kendskab og selve sagen belyses fra flere forskellige vinkler Det efterlader l seren oplyst reflekterende og med et godt indblik i sagens aspekter. Book sygeplejersken Kristianar tydeligvis lagt en del timer i research og det betaler sig Alt fra hospitalets n rmilj ledelsesudfordringer klikedannelser og personlige refleksioner er medtaget i bogens beskrivelser og det p en m de der giver plads til alle sagens interessenter Der er ikke lagt skjul p hverken beviser eller huller i politiets efterforskning. Sygeplejersken netflix 17 maj 2017 blev Christina Aistrup Hansen id mt 12 rs f ngsel for drabsfors g Selv h vder hun stadig at hun er uskyldig d mt Om hun er skyldig eller skyldig vil jeg lade v re op til den enkelte l ser at bed mme Men et fact er at i m ngden af interessante True Crime b ger b r du ikke overse denne Sygeplejersken Kristian Corfixenas done an incredible job writing The Nurse This is a gripping and suspenseful account of a nurse in Denmark who is suspected of deliberately killing patients Corfixen does an excellent job of creating a sense of tension and drama making the reader feel like they are right there alongside the investigators as they try to solve the mystery. Sygeplejersken serie The Nurse is an excellent read for anyone interested in crime thrillers or in learning about how investigations work Corfixen provides a detailed and fascinating look at the evidence gathering process and he makes it clear that no detail is too small when trying to solve a crime The Nurse is an addictive and suspenseful book that will keep you hooked until the very end. Sygeplejerskeforening The moral part of me is utterly shocked A dark part of me can t wait for this to become a TV show or movie Read this if you like The Good Nurse The Act Darling Rose GoldThank you to Netgalley and Saga Egmont for the e advanced reading copy in exchange for myonest opinion Sygeplejersken I received a free copy of The Nurse by Kristian Corfixen from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review nurses and other health care workers are supposed to help heal patients not kill them One in 2015 in Denmark 3 patients die mysteriously Did Christina murder them she claims she did not An intense read who do you believe An interesting story Sygeplejersken Rzetelny reporta ciekawa historia Sygeplejersken The Nurse is everything that I love about True Crime I read this with vigour Every so often my husband would ask me what I was reading and I would animatedly describe how a nurse would commit these awful acts I think he sometimes worries about me he questions my passion for true crime It s not exactly the acts per se but it s the psychology of why a human can commit these atrocities Fate is something that can change at the drop of a hat One minute you re going into the hospital for something routine and the next you re on death s door your body wants to go into complete shutdown That cruel fate lands on several patients of Christina Aistrup Hansen a nurse working in a Danish hospital She has been accused of poisoning her patients with Morphine In fact it was a well known fact that when the nurses had a shift with Christina they knew they d be in for a rough time There were cardiac arrests during Christina s shifts than any other and I find it very strange how her colleagues didn t pick up on the discrepancies sooner Sygeplejersken Ich bin sehr froh dass bei mir in n chster Zeit kein Krankenhausaufenthalt anstellt Zumindest kein geplanter Ob ich morgen von einem E Scooter Fahrer niedergemt werde kann ich nur schwer beeinflussen Nach diesem Buch w re mir bei einem Krankenhausaufenthalt n mlich wahrscheinlich etwas mulmig zumute Ja im Buch wird immer wieder erw hnt wie selten solche F lle wie dieser passieren aber es w rde mich trotzdem nerv s machen. Sygeplejersken imdb In diesem Buch wird die Geschichte von Christina Aistrup Hansen erz hlt die leider eine reale Person ist und aktuell im Gef ngnis ihre Haft absitzt Sie war Krankenschwester und daf r bekannt dass in ihren Schichten immer Katastrophen passierten Solche Menschen kennt ihr sicher auch oder Bei denen irgendwie immer was schiefgeht Ich habe auch solche Freund innen aber ihre Katastrophe sind um einiges weniger ernst Umfallende Teetassen kleinere Verletzungen verpasste Busse pl tzliche Regenschauer Unangenehm aber nicht tragisch Bei Hansen sehen Katastrophen ganz anders aus Patienten deren Zustand sich pl tzlich verschlechterte Herzstillst nde berraschende Tote Was f r ein Pech nicht wahr Wie unangenehm dass das immer bei der gleichen Pflegerin passiert Aber wenigstens kennt die sich in der Zwischenzeit echt gut aus was Wiederbelebungsma nahmen angeht So eine engagierte Kollegin Bis da mal jemand den Verdacht bekam dass das nicht nur Pech und Zufall sein k nnte mussten mehrere Jahre vergehen Und dann nochmal mehrere Jahre bis jemand die Polizei alarmierte und die Bef rchtungen auch wirklich ernst genommen wurden In diesem Buch erfahren wir die ganze Geschichte der Krankenschwester Sie wird auf mehreren Ebenen erz hlt Vergangenheit und die Ermittlungsarbeit Au erdem kommen sehr viele der Beteiligten zu Wort Hansen selbst ihre Eltern ihre Arbeitskolleg innen und Vorgesetzen die Polizist innen die ermittelt haben Angeh rige der Opfer Das war f r mich sehr interessant. Sygeplejersken netflix Bei der Erz hlung realer Verbrechen ist es schwierig diese auf eine Art wiederzugeben die nicht sensationsgeil wirkt Nichts finde ich schrecklicher als wenn Leute das Leid anderer als billige Show anzusehen scheinen und Verbrechen so behandeln als w re das nur ein Film Deswegen halte ich mich auch von True Crime Podcasts und Serien fern Diesem Buch habe ich eine Chance gegeben weil sich der Klappentext doch recht professionell und unaufgeregt anh rt Und so war es dann auch Die Vorf lle werden sachlich und mit Fingerspitzengef hl beschrieben. Sygeplejersken serie Mein Fazit Ein gut geschriebenes True Crime Buch das interessant ist aber trotzdem immer sachlich bleibt Sygeplejersken Po przes uchaniu tego reporta u nie wiem czy chcia abym wyl dowa w szpitalu artuj no mo e troszk Jest to kawa naprawd rzetelnej obiektywnej roboty skupiaj cej si na tym co najwa niejsze dlaczego sta o si to co si sta o Bez zb dnego biadolenia bez prywaty ale jednocze nie jest to sucha relacja bo s ucha o si tego naprawd dobrze Specjalnie siedzia am do p na eby sko czy i dowiedzie si wszystkiego przyznaj e sama ko c wka ju mnie troch nudzi o chodzi mi g wnie o to co si dzia o jak ju j z apali Po prostu nie ciekawi mnie sam proces Warto przeczyta przes ucha eby wyrobi sobie samemu opini ale mimo wszystkich przedstawionych fakt w nie umiem odpowiedzie na pytanie czy faktycznie ona to robi a czy to efekt tych wszystkich plotek i pom wie bo i samo ledztwo zostawia wiele do yczenia My l e z czystym sumieniem mog powiedzie e to jeden z lepszych reporta y z jakimi mia am do czynienia Sygeplejersken.
: Book sygeplejersken The moral part of me is utterly shocked A dark part of me can t wait for this to become a TV show or movie. Sygeplejersken book Cristina appealed and based on updated evidence Cristina s sentence got reduced to 12 years with credit for time served Cristina is slated for parole in March 2023, Sygeplejersken serie Das einzige Problem hatte ich mit dem Beginn Ich kam nicht gleich mit den Zeitebenen zurecht und kam immer wieder durcheinander Dar ber bekam ich aber auch irgendwann den berblick.I refuse to believe this actually happened.I refuse to believe this actually happened© 2024 book read by tom brady about the tennis ball
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