She dips into little bit of there lives to give us information that we may not know Some are absurd others disturbing but each brings to light some curious facts about such people She also gives us some insight into killers that were never caught or are currently at large today Because of the way in which this book is present it means that should you come across parts you already know it is easy to skip across to something new I felt there was a good mix here of both killers that a greatly known and others that I had ever known about It is a funny thing that we assume that all serial killers reside most in America and a few across the pond here in England But as I have now learned this is a problem thats encountered all over the world In part.
This book serves as an intro to this dark and macabre You can use the text found here to go in search of information on anyone that is mentioned within these pages As I said before she never settles for too long on any one of them Even with what I have learned from other books I can t say at any point I was left feeling not interested in what I was learning Maybe this is due to the quick speed at which the book chugs along And in doing so it did not take me long before I was turning the last page If you are a die hard true crime reader then this book will probably offer little you have not already read about in great detail But for me at least it gave me a good couple of entertaining hours It managed to raise a good few questions of me and also realize that there a probably a great deal of these killers that spent a whole life killing and where never known about It is a starting point and a place to start if you are looking to start getting into this genre Paperback Bardzo fajna ksi ka dla os b kt re interesuj si zbrodniami wszelkiego rodzaju Jest napisana w do ciekawy spos b.
Bardzo fajna i ciekawa ksi ka kt ra jednak ma jeden zasadniczy minus kr tkie historyjki kt rych jest naprawd mn stwo zajmuj 2 25 strony i s takim streszczeniem morderstw opowie ci o seryjnych mordercach narz dziach zbrodni To taka ogromna dawka wiedzy o wielu seryjnych mordercach dawniej i dzi tyle e w pigu ce Bywa y takie morderstwa e ja zwyczajnie mia am oczy jak pi z oty Troch szkoda e autorka pokusi a si na a tak kr tk form bo czasem du o rzeczy po prostu nie zosta o odpowiedzialnych Chocia mo na to traktowa jako takie kompendium wiedzy Paperback As a longtime fan of True Crime who tends to think I know quite a bit I was often surprised by the new things I learned It was a fast and interesting read a must read for any fan of true crime I did disagree with the Author at a few points and there were a few obvious editing errors ex a sentence repeating itself really how did the editors miss that but despite this I would still very much recommend this title to my friends Paperback Przyjemna rozrywka konkretne pytania i odpowiedzi do tego ciekawe Paperback Over the years I have tackled a fair few books on serial killer For each they have focused on a very specific person detailing the lives and crimes These books are always a challenge to read dealing with such a subject it is hardly surprising But for me I also find them to be very interesting learning the details I suppose helps to give context to headlines that try there best to go for the most gruesome aspect in an attempt to sell papers No matter your view these kinds of books remain best sellers the world over flying off the shelf for those who like to peek into the darkest side of life In the Serial Killer Trivia book Kamisinky chooses to tackle the subject in a different way to most authors in this genre Rather than giving us a book that follows complete stories delving into each aspect of these horrific crimes Instead bo cala sk ada si w zasadzie z dialogu a raczej pytaniu i d u szej odpowiedzi kt ra szybko nakre la nam ca zbrodni Dzi ki temu w ca ej ksi ce mo emy przeczyta o wielu sprawach co bardzo mi si w niej podoba o Paperback Michelle Kaminsky is a writer with a lifelong fascination with criminal minds motivations and MOs Her first book Serial Killer Trivia Fascinating Facts and Disturbing Details That Will Freak You the F ck Out was published by Ulysses Press in 2019. A native of the Anthracite Coal Region in Pennsylvania Michelle holds degrees from Duke University and Temple University Beasley School of Law In addition to consuming true crime stories in all media forms she enjoys yoga meditation creating worlds with her daughter and taking long walks with her Treeing Walker Coonhound. You can find her michkaminsky throughout social media Michelle is also published under Michelle Fabio Michelle Kaminsky is a writer with a lifelong fascination with criminal minds motivations and MOs Her first book Serial Killer Trivia Fascinating Facts and Disturbing Details That Will Freak You the F ck Out was published by Ulysses Press in 2019. A native of the Anthracite Coal Region in Pennsylvania Michelle holds degrees from Duke University and Temple University Beasley School of Law In addition to consuming true crime stories in all media forms she enjoys yoga meditation creating worlds with her daughter and taking long walks with her Treeing Walker Coonhound. You can find her michkaminsky throughout social media Michelle is also published under Michelle Fabio site_link Discover chilling and mind blowing facts in this ultimate collection of serial killer trivia for true crime fanatics This bloody and completely true trivia collection will horrify and intrigue readers with answers to questions like What was John Wayne Gacy s last meal Which serial killer was captured because of a bloody footprint left on his victim Who was the FBI agent credited with coining the term serial killer and How was one mass murderer able to get away with selling his victim s skeletons to medical students Perfect for any murderino true crime junkie or connoisseur of macabre tales this fact packed book quizzes readers on their true crime knowledge and offers fascinating stories of well known murderers as well as lesser known but just as nefarious killers You ll be surprised at how many fascinating tidbits you ll learn about the world s most cold blooded and dangerous people Serial Killer Trivia Fascinating Facts and Disturbing Details That Will Freak You the F ck Outksi ka nietkni ta r k redaktora Paperback Kolejna ksi ka kt r wzi am do czytania z przypadku S ysza am o niej ju wcze niej ale nie mia am w planach czyta Nie s dzi am e co mnie mo e w niej zaskoczy Tymczasem okaza o si e mimo do ju oklepanej tematyki Michelle Kaminsky ma bardzo wie e spojrzenie i nietuzinkowy pomys na ksi k Poza wietnie znanymi historiami pojawiaj si te te zupe nie nieznane i przekrojowe Najlepsza w Seryjnych mordercach niezbyt to fortunny dob r s w z mojej strony formu a na ksi k sk ada si 150 pyta dotycz cych seryjnych morderc w i przygotowanych do nich odpowiedzi Teksty s kr tkie skondensowane ale ciekawe Zar wno dla tych dobrze z tematem zaznajomionych jak r wnie dla laik w Paperback Ocena 2 minus Wra enia Ech Rozpie ci y mnie szczeg owe podcasty kryminalne Co o czym da si ciekawie opowiada przez 15 godziny jest tu lakonicznie streszczone na 15 strony Dla kogo Dla tw rc w podcast w kryminalnych ciekawe pomys y do rozwini cia I dla nikogo wi cej chyba e satysfakcjonuj was kilku nastu zdaniowe fragmenciki historii Paperback I m having a hard time deciding between 2 or 3 stars Ultimately I think I have to give it a 2 As someone who is fascinated by true crime and the psychological aspects of serial killers I was a bit unnerved by the flippant language used by the author at times throughout the book it almost felt joking and or callous the way events were described rather than strictly factual There were some pretty big misplacements of text a section of one case was written in the following chapter which led me to question the validity of some of the information I get that this is meant to be trivia but the organization was jarring to get through with fast and furious snippets of information thrown at the reader for each posed question Admittedly there were some interesting facts to be found about cases previously unknown to me I actually preferred the segments discussing the older cases 1800s early 1900s to the sensationalized cases of the 1960s 1980s that are better known to the general populace Overall I ll stick to true crime podcasts or documentaries for my information rather than feel like I m reading about atrocities in a game show like format Paperback 45 poniewa wydaje mi si e w niekt rych podrozdzia ach w tki mog y by bardziej rozwini te Paperback .
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