Argument Addiction: Even When You Win, You LoseIdentify the True Cause of Arguments \u0026 Fix It for Good By Phillip Lee
Argument dictionary
Argument Addiction: Even When You Win, You LoseIdentify the True Cause of Arguments \u0026 Fix It for Good By Phillip Lee
Kindle Edition
Argument Addiction when you win you lose Phil Lee MD and Diane Rudolph MD makes bad marriages good and good marriages great You were happy once then the arguments began In the beginning you felt appreciated and loved but lately not so much What happened And how do you get back on the road to happy In Argument Addiction two top docs deconstruct marital disagreements and show us what they truly are and it has nothing with who loads the dishwasher right or who is a permissive parent All marital arguments say one thing and that one thing is a corrosive bomb sure to break apart any solid union. Argument dictionary With three simple rules and two willing partners marriages heal almost instantly Simple clear and hugely here is your way back to a joyful and satisfactory relationship This book shines the light on marital arguments and illuminates the path to a better way A must read for anyone contemplating a real relationship Bill Bumberry Gottman Certified Couples Therapist Master Trainer and Certified EFT Therapist If the relationship with your significant other is ideal ignore this book If however you keep getting stuck in the same arguments and want to break the pattern the Argument Addiction offers practical doable suggestions guaranteed to create a happier relationship or marriage Jodie Skillicorn DO author of Healing Depression without A Psychiatrist s Guide to Balancing Body Mind and Soul Over the years I ve reviewed most of the professional and lay books on marriage and or couples and family therapy This one the Argument Addiction shines a fresh bright light on couples relationships for anyone in or contemplating a relationship Run not walk together to get it Ira M Glick M. Argument dictionary Stanford School of Medicine and co author of Couples and Family Therapy in Clinical Practice Argument Addiction Even When You Win You LoseIdentify the True Cause of Arguments u0026 Fix It for Good..D