Nos sentamos a la mesa pinchamos con el tenedor un trozo de comida nos la llevamos a la boca la masticamos la deglutimos Y luego qu Comemos al menos tres veces al d a durante toda nuestra vida pero no sabemos casi nada de lo que ocurre dentro de nosotros cuando ingerimos un alimento Como consecuencia a menudo tampoco entendemos el modo en que nuestro cuerpo reacciona frente a lo que hemos comido Por qu hay cosas que nos sientan bien y otras que no Qu relaci n hay entre lo que comemos y las enfermedades que desarrollamos a lo largo de la vida Qu nos dice el est mago cuando hace ruido El mal aliento las migra as las hinchazones abdominales las alergias la obesidad y hasta las depresiones pueden tener su origen en una mala digesti n Este libro lleno de curiosidades toca cada aspecto relevante de nuestro proceso digestivo incluso hasta llegar a esa gran desconocida la caca que tanto puede contarnos sobre nuestra salud Entender de manera sencilla la complejidad del intestino nos har m s conscientes a la hora de decidir qu vamos a comer ma ana para sentirnos mejor El secreto de la buena digesti nSi es el primer libro que lees de este tema creo que est muy bien porque explica todo el funcionamiento del aparato digestivo punto por punto a veces se hace algo pesado pero en muchos casos hayjemplos bastantes interesantes para hacerlo m s ameno 288 The English review is placed beneath the Russian one YouTube Der Knie Fall Ihre M glichkeiten bei Arthrose Meniskus Kreuzband Knorpelschaden Kniescheibe Sehnen und Co. El secreto de la buena digestión ebook If we consider this book as educational literature then the book is quite good From my point of view the author has managed to show very clearly the whole path of food progression which starts when food is first put into the mouth and up to the moment when it leaves the human body or as the author calls it Digestion Step by Step For non specialists and people who are not looking to learn about the digestive system in great detail the book offers an easy to understand yet comprehensive look at the workings of our digestive system. El secreto de la buena digestión pdf merger The author starts explaining the workings of the digestive system from the moment food enters the mouth According to the author this is a very important stage because the body needs to prepare the food for its subsequent movement down the esophagus first by crushing and softening it and then sending it down the throat and into the stomach The book gives brief information on the functioning of the teeth tongue saliva etc in the process of eating food It is done shortly and simply You could even say that the information is presented in the style of popular short educational videos on YouTube Plus from the very beginning the book will contain various stories diseases from medical practice related to one or another organ under consideration at the moment Since I have never been interested in other people s diseases or diseases as such I simply skipped all the cases from the practice of a doctor In addition to cases from medical practice the book also contains boxes that provide information on topics that only indirectly address the issue at hand such as Children Watch out for sausages Why do animals lick their wounds or Burping and even such a question as Rasputin s riddle From my point of view such topics are typical entertainment topics that are often found to entertain the widest possible readership It can also be said that they are intended to keep the reader awake in case the main text of the book becomes boring This isspecially true considering the fact that the book contains quite specific topics such as Esophageal hernia or The advantage of breastfeeding But we have to admit that there are not many frankly boring topics in the book Although the author uses a large amount of medical terminology and therefore the text can not be called very simple but still the book was written so that it was interesting to read almost all categories of citizens who are interested in this topic and who are not very familiar with it. PDF El secreto de la buena digestión anaerobia After a relatively brief though detailed overview of our digestive system the author devotes the entire second half of the book to feces There is a description of each type of poop and what kind of poop signals problems in the body and what kind of poop is normal and so on Given that playing doctor self diagnosis is quite dangerous especially if the reader is a very imaginative person who sees the worst diseases in any ailment such information should be approached without fanaticism cautiously In general the author described this chapter quite well despite the fact that the topic is not so pleasant. Kindle El secreto de la buena digestiónxtracelular I did not finish the last quarter of the book because the topics related to intestinal problems and how to fix them not very much interested And to do self treatment or even self diagnosis based on a book translated by an unknown translator of a Spanish doctor about whom nothing is known is not a very good idea In short I would not recommend using the advice because of the many obstacles I read the book only as part of a replenishment of missed school knowledge not as a reference book on the treatment of certain diseases Therefore for me the last chapter was the topic of microbiota and microbiome which is not much different from other sources which tell about a huge number of living beings living in our organs I did not find any particularly interesting or simply new information in this section of the book. El secreto de la buena digestión bookworm The bottom line If you put the last two chapters which are particularly specific and highly controversial out of brackets the book is a balance of entertaining and scientific medical text The book will appeal to those readers who want to get to the bottom of this issue not just pass the time while waiting for a plane or train What I mean by that is that the book is not so simple and entertaining i. EPub El secreto de la buena digestión mecánica it is exactly what it is in the middle of Many points in the book were both difficult and boring to read Yes there are not that many of them but still So I don t think that the book will appeal to those who decide to read it from nothing to do Would it be suitable as supplementary literature for schoolchildren Definitely yes like any such literature Still it is much easier to understand the work of the digestive system using this kind of literature And yes the explanation of the material is much better than the book from the same series but about knees Der Knie Fall Ihre M glichkeiten bei Arthrose Meniskus Kreuzband Knorpelschaden Kniescheibe Sehnen und Co 288 Me parece buena la idea de explicar estos temas de un modo practico con ejemplos etc pero habia pubtos muy muy teoricos y conclusiones o temas que no conseguia relacionar con lo que se escribia antes quiero leer el de adelgazar para siempre a ver si me pasa lo mismo 288 Demasiado predecible Otro manual sobre como funciona el sistema digestivo sin nada de original ni novedoso Lo m s interesante losjemplos sobre casos reales de sus pacientes 288 Libro supppper complet simo 288
El secreto de la buena digestión By Ángela Quintas |
8408221663 |
9788408221661 |
Spanish; Castilian |
288 |
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