BRATZ PAMPERED PETZ 4SET Get them all Bratz Pampered Petz Secret Diary Keep all your stylin secrets under lock and key The Bratz are the best at keeping secrets This super cool diary is perfect for keeping photos dazzlin fashion secrets and writing loads of sneaky stuff about your fave crushes friends and family The best part is you can lock your secrets away and no one sees Bratz Activity Book Join the Bratz and their adorable pupz for some pooch tastie fun This stylish book is packed full of top fashion tips and makeover advise personality tests and cool puzzles plus tons of cool ideas to have a howlin good time Bratz Sticker Scene The Bratz are organizing this year s Stilesville Pup Pageant With over 100 stickers and 6 awesome scenes you can help the Bratz and creatre your own Pampered pup adventure Bratz Pet Project When Yasmin adopts an adorable puppy from the local animal shelter it inspires Cloe to help rescue every single homeless pet in Stileville The girls start by giving the shelter a radical makeover and organizing thecoolest pet show ever with the Best in Show winning a cover shoot for THE hippest pet magazine Who will win Follow the Bratz on their dog gone awesome advanture Bratz Pet ProjectI love the Bratz but this book wasn t good for several reasons 1 They re supposed to be best friends since when do best friends one up each other 2 I like that they were trying to find forever homes for the animals in the shelter but most shelters would have put the animals to sleep to make room for tomorrow s animals 3 They were fighting too much to get anything done 4 They were taking on too much they had finals and trying to save animals and adopting their own pets How do they have time for anything The Bratz are supposed to show girls how to look good and help each other which did not happen until the end 1405491698 I don t know why but I suddenly started thinking of Bratz and the books I read when I was younger I don t think I d love it as much now but when I was younger I absolutely loved this book 1405491698 .
© 2024 book read by tom brady about the tennis ball
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